Summer Hours

Desert Springs Golf Club has today announced its summer opening hours applicable through to 15th September 2009.

Golf Reception will be open from 09.00hrs – 19.00hrs and the Caddy Master Office and Golf Academy practice facilities from 08.30hrs – 20.30 hrs.

The first tee time for the Indiana course available for reservation for members will be 09.07 hrs.

Director of Golf, Simon Coaker remarked:

“The pattern that has emerged over recent years for golf rounds played during the summer months shows that the majority of rounds played commence from 09.30hrs onwards, and in particular once the heat of the day has subsided, during late afternoon.

The published seasonal offers had been designed to reflect this fact and to further encourage use of the golf course during certain periods, in particular from later in the day once the heat subsides in the summer.”

As always, simply reserve your tee time in advance or come to the golf reception in the Clubhouse to register in the normal manner and enjoy the summer!



For further information contact: Golf Reception
Telephone: +34 637 861 591

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