Club Captain Barry Carver together with past Captains, Freddie Beames, Pat Craig and Helen Lavis welcomed Club members and friends to take part in the inaugural Captains’ Team Challenge on Tuesday 20th October 2009.
Teams were selected at random from a list of 45 applicants. Each team played Individual Stableford with the best 7 scores added together to make a total team score.
The competition was keenly contested resulting in the present Club Captains’ team being the winners.
The results were as follows:
Patrick Craig Team: 213 points
Freddie Beames Team: 225 points
Helen Lavis Team: 234 points
Barry Carver Team: 236 points
The trophy which was donated by all the past captains was presented to the winning team at a lunch held in the Clubhouse.
The highlight of the day was a hole in one on the 8th Hole by Pat Craig, witnessed by three other Captains, who all commented “This could be a very expensive day”.
The Captain expressed his sorrow that Past Captain Martin Symington was unable to attend and sends his best wishes from the Club.
Barry thanked all members of Desert Springs, together with Alfonso Castiñeira, Christine Langford and all members of Staff for their tremendous support.
Best wishes,
Barry Carver
For further information contact: Club Captain Barry Carver
Telephone: +34 678 129 749