Lee Westwood Golf School

In 2012, the Lee Westwood Golf School based at Macdonald Portal Hotel, Golf & Spa in Cheshire and Stoke-by-Nayland Hotel Golf & Spa in Essex, named the Desert Springs Resort and Golf Club as their overseas winter training base for the winter season of 2012/13.

The Lee Westwood Golf School accommodates students on a residential basis and offers promising talented golfers the opportunity to gain nationally recognised educational qualifications whilst developing and improving their golf game.

Between 14th – 18th January 2013, seventy-three full time students and their six coaches were the first to make their visit to the resort for a 4-day intensive training programme to develop their individual golfing skills in warm weather while experiencing a golf course which offers a challenge to players at all levels.

During 31st March – 6th April, eleven students accompanied by Michael Welch, Lee Westwood Golf School PGA Instructor, escaped the snow in the UK and returned once more to enjoy the sun in Spain and complete a 7-day training programme.


              PGA Instructor Michael Welch (Far Right) with 11 full time students from the Lee Westwood Golf School during their return visit to the Desert Springs Resort for a 7-day intensive winter training camp.


“This is my second visit to Desert Springs and I love coming out here.

In the spring the grass throughout the golf facilities is so lush that it makes you want to practice and play more and more.

Whilst it’s snowing in the UK, the weather here has been superb and this intensive training will surely improve my golf.

The on-site accommodation is perfect and there are plenty of non-golfing activities available at the Resort to keep us all occupied.”

That is the verdict of 16-year-old student Henry Tetley.

The group were accommodated in some of the privately owned apartments normally reserved for holidays and short breaks at Desert Springs and the resort’s executive chef was on hand to cater for the special dietary requirements of individual players dining in the award-winning El Torrente Restaurant.

During their time at the resort the players have utilized the excellent practice facilities at the Golf Academy and played the Indiana golf course.


     Lee Westwood Golf School students working on their golf swings at the Desert Springs Golf Academy


Georgia Coughlin aged 17 remarked of her experience at Desert Springs:

“I had come on a previous visit with the Lee Westwood Golf School back in January of this year, and I´ve definitely found it worth while returning again!

The weather has been superb and the amount of flowers and colours throughout the course are amazing.”

 Lee Westwood Golf School students tee off on Hole 3 “Crazy Horse” on the Indiana course at Desert Springs


Michael Welch, Lee Westwood Golf School PGA Instructor commented:

“I can only take positives out of our return visit to Desert Springs.

All of the staff ensure that you are made to feel welcome and the service provided is perfect.

We have loved the meals at El Torrente Restaurant and therefore we use it more and more frequently.

The golf course is in superb condition and I find it a true test for any player. Course Management plays an important role, as every hole could be played in several different ways.

The Practice Facilities are ideal; especially the chipping green and its variable mowing heights that allow us to practice a wide variety of shots.

Desert Springs is a great venue for golf.

I'm extremely pleased that the Lee Westwood Golf School had selected them for our Winter Training Camps and I look forward to organising many more trips in the future.

They make everything so easy for us!


          A Lee Westwood Golf School student tees off on Hole 1 “Cactus Point” on the Indiana course at Desert Springs


For further information on the Lee Westwood Golf School visit their official website www.leewestwoodgolfschool.com


For further infomation contact: Martin Brännström
Tel: +34 670 613 900
Email: mb@almanzora.com