Inter-Club Challenge

Desert Springs Golf Club!
Valle del Este Golf Club!
Cortijo Grande Golf Club!
Lorca Golf Society!
Badgers Golf Society!
Sorbas Canyons Golf Club!

Who has the best golfers?

I am confident that the answer is Desert Springs Golf Club, but now you have the chance to prove me correct.  On Saturday 20th May, fourteen players from each of the 6 clubs will converge on the Indiana Course to find out who can field the strongest team of golfers.

Beginning at 9am with a shot-gun start, all players will compete in an 18-hole Individual Stableford points competition with the best ten scores from each team being combined to give a team score. The club with the highest points score will become the overall ‘Team Champions’.  Playing for team pride and the Copa Desafío Local will be the order of the day and, with the home advantage, it should be no more than a formality to have ‘Desert Springs’ as the first name engraved on the pristine new trophy.

The golf will be followed by a Hot & Cold Running Buffet in The Indiana Clubhouse and the presentation of the Copa Desafío Local to the victorious team.

Freddie Beames remarked; “I am confident a large number of our Desert Springs members will want to represent our club in this challenge.  However, I can only choose 14 players, so please check your diaries now and put your name forward as soon as possible for the chance to be part of the number one team; ‘Team Desert Springs’!  I would hope the certain success of this tournament will be enable it to become a regular yearly event, encouraging the growth of good relationships between the clubs involved.”

Enter now by contacting Club Captain, Freddie Beames, the Golf Reception or by collecting an entry form from the clubhouse and do your part to ensure it is Desert Springs Golf Club who have the ‘boasting rights’ come the afternoon of Saturday 20th May 2006.

For further information contact: Freddie Beames or Golf Reception
Tel: +34 637 861 592
E-mail: or