Golf Course Maintenance

GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT’S NEWS LETTER OCTOBER 2013 Dear Member / Property Owner, Following on from the ‘The Golf Course Superintendent’s News Letter’ sent to you in August which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course in September,…read more

Property Evening

  We invite you to ‘introduce a friend’ and join ourselves, Best International and Sir Ian Botham, OBE, at The Manor, Boddington, near Cheltenham on Sunday 13th October at 13.00 hrs. to attend the launch of ‘Freedom of Choice Ownership’ @ The Desert Springs Resort. This historic and beautiful manor house is the HQ of…read more

Christmas and New Year at Desert Springs Resort

Sunday the 22nd & Monday the 23rd of December Santa will be in residence at Santa's Grotto in the Cave Bar at Desert Springs this year. He will be on hand to hear the children's holiday wishes from 18.30hrs – 21.00hrs Don’t forget to bring your cameras to capture your angels talking to the big man himself! Mulled…read more

Committee Announcement

Dear Member / Property Owner,   The current Desert Springs tournament calendar for 2013 had been designed by the Club and its elected officers to reflect the established pattern and frequency of visits to the Resort experienced during different periods over recent years and the degree of consistency of interest and support for the events…read more

Handicap Committee News

Handicaps and Competitions At the last Golf Club Committee meeting (June 14th 2013) it was agreed that the current method of managing the handicaps for competitions is becoming unwieldy and prone to errors, especially since the increase in tournament participation. This has created extra work and delay on competition days, often leading to dissatisfaction, confusion…read more

Golf Course Maintenance

GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ SEPTEMBER 2013   Dear Member / Property Owner,   Following on from the ‘The Golf Course Superintendents News Letter’ sent to you in July which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course…read more

Club Captain News

Fellow members, as the heat of the summer reaches its height it is time to alert you to the Captain’s Charity Events scheduled for the 4th week of October. I realize it is early but members have been enquiring and flights need to be booked etc. It is schools half term as well, so the…read more

UD Almeria Football Camp

    UD Almeria B Team 2013 Pre-season Training Camp at Desert Springs Football Academy     Following on from the success of their promotion last season to the Primera División (First Division) Union Deportiva Almeria (Almeria Football Club) selected Desert Springs Resort to be host once again to the pre-season training camp of their…read more

UD Almeria Football Training Camp

UD Almería B Team 2013 pre-season Training Camp at Desert Springs Football Academy   Following on from the success of their promotion last season to the Primera División (First Division) Union Deportiva Almería (Almeria Football Club) selected Desert Springs Resort to be host once again to the pre-season training camp of their ‘B’ Squad between…read more

Daley Thompson

THEY WALKED IN AND CRAWLED OUT…….. BUT WITH SMILES ON THEIR FACES!!!! ‘THE OLYMPIC’ FEELING WITH DALEY THOMPSON @ DESERT SPRINGS   Daley Comments … Come on just a tiny bit more and you're there!   Daley Thompson, two time Decathlon Olympic Gold Medalist and villa owner at Desert Springs, most definitely put Desert Springs…read more