Golf Club Officials

The eleventh annual election for members to choose a Treasurer and two members each for the Club’s Handicap and Competition Committees, for the period 1st April 2015 through 31st March 2016, is announced.     Since April, 2005, Club Officers have been elected annually from and by Members to work with the management of the…read more

2015/16 Club Captain

Dear Members & Owners, At last years annual Golf Club Officials election, Martin McLellan was elected to be Desert Springs Golf Club Vice-Captain for the period 1st April 2014 through 31st March 2015.   As many of you will be aware, Martin is currently recovering from an illness.  At the last Committee Meeting, Club Captain…read more

Cricket @ Desert Springs

  The intake for the ‘II Tom Maynard Academy’ has been confirmed, comprising twelve professional cricketers from ten of the UK’s first class counties. The 2015 intake will spend ten days from 19th – 28th February 2015 at Desert Springs, working on a carefully planned programme covering technical skills, strength and conditioning and both individual…read more

Golf 4 All Pro-Am 2015

Desert Springs Resort was host to the sixth annual ‘Golf 4 All’ Pro-Am, played over the Indiana Course between the 4th – 5th January 2015.  Seven leading Professionals from the Ladies European Tour (LET); Gwladys Nocera, Trish Johnson, Becky Brewerton, Amy Boulden, Lydia Hall, Hannah Burke and Vikki Laing partnered Desert Springs members and guests,…read more

Golf Course Maintenance

JANUARY 2015   Dear Member / Property Owner, Following on from the Golf Course Superintendent’s News Letter sent to you in November, which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course in December, we are pleased to be…read more

Competition Committee

Dear Club Members / Residents, Further to the last Committee Meeting held on the 14th November, we would like to inform you of a few changes that will affect Competitions within the Desert Springs Tournament Calendar.    Thursday ‘Roll Up’ Competition  The Thursday ‘Roll Up’ has now been renamed the ‘Weekly Competition’. This decision has…read more

Desert Springs Membership

Dear Member,  It is the time of the year when the Annual subscription fees for 2015 Club Membership need to be determined.  Your membership renewal and the attraction of new members remain as important as ever to the future of the Club. In 2013 the Club improved existing benefits and introduced new ones for its…read more

2015 Green Fee Offers

Desert Springs Golf Club has today published its ‘2015 Public Green Fee Offers’ within the Golf Club section of its official web site. To view them Click Here The ‘2015 Resort Members, Members Guests & Non Member Property Owner Green Fee Offers’ have also been posted within the Owners section of the web site. To…read more

Golf Course Maintenance

DECEMBER 2014     Dear Member / Property Owner, Following on from the Golf Course Superintendent’s News Letter sent to you in October, which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course in November, we are pleased to…read more

Owners Privilige Scheme

The Almanzora Group would like to say a special thank you to those 132 owners who to date have elected to join the ‘Property Owners Referral Scheme’. Over the years, many of those within the scheme have demonstrated their ongoing trust, support and confidence by referring and introducing friends; colleagues or relatives who have become…read more