Desert Springs is holding its eleventh elections amongst members to choose a Treasurer and two members for each of the Club’s Handicap and Competitions Committees, for the period 1st April 2015 through to 31st March 2016. The closing date for all completed ‘Club Officials Election Nomination’ forms to be returned to the Club was 18.00…read more

Cricket @ Desert Springs

Sussex County Cricket Club Bowling Coach Jon Lewis (Far Right) and Nicholas Lee Sussex County Cricket Club Strength & Conditioning Coach (Far Left) with players attending the Pre-Season Training Camp   Sussex County Cricket Club players are now back in England having completed a successful ten (10) days of warm weather pre-season cricket and fitness…read more

Scottish Golf Union

Between Sunday 15th – Sunday 22nd February 2015, nine (9) boys and twelve (12) girls representing the Scottish Golf Union Boys & Girls International Squad and seven (7) officials were at Desert Springs Resort for a seven-day intensive training programme, followed between Sunday 22ndFebruary – Sunday 1st March by a further tranche of eighteen (18)…read more

Nick Dougherty

Three times European Tour Winner Nick Dougherty, accompanied by his coach Stuart Cartwright, returned to Desert Springs Resort for the second consecutive year to complete a three (3) day training camp between Thursday 26th – Saturday 28th February in preparation for the new golfing season.   Nick Dougherty (Left) with his Coach Stuart Cartwright at…read more

Cricket @ Desert Springs

Tom Maynard Trust players: Alexander Barrow (Somerset); Bradley Erasamus (Surrey); Alex Wakely (Northants); Basil Akram (Hampshire); Andrew Umeed (Warwickshire); Mark Adair (Warwickshire); Matt Taylor (Gloucestershire); Liam Norwell (Gloucestershire); Barney Gibson (Yorkshire); Jack Murphy (Glamorgan); Jamie Porter (Essex) and Adam Tilcock (Nottinghamshire)   The second intake for the Tom Maynard Academy, comprising twelve (12) professional cricketers…read more

Disabled Golf World Champions

We are delighted to announce that the Swedish National Amateur Disabled Golf Team, who hold the prestigious title of 2014 World Amateur Team Disabled Golf Champions will be the next group of elite golfers scheduled to arrive at Desert Springs Resort & Golf Club to undertake their annual training camp. Between Sunday 22nd – Sunday…read more

Golf Course Maintenance

MARCH 2015   Dear Member / Property Owner,   Following on from the Golf Course Superintendent’s News Letter sent to you in January, which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course in February, we are pleased to…read more

Yorkshire County Cricket Club

  This winter at Desert Springs, ‘shouts of FORE! have been combined with shouts of FOUR!   Yorkshire County Cricket Club (YCCC) is now set to follow in the footsteps of Somerset CCC, Sussex CCC, Lancashire CCC, Middlesex CCC, The Tom Maynard Trust, and the MCC Women’s Young Cricketers as they embark on their warm…read more

The Lady Taverners

We are delighted to announce that The Lady Taverners, in association with the Lord’s Taverners, have selected Desert Springs Resort to be host to ‘The Lady Taverners Celebrity Golf Classic’ from Thursday 24th to Sunday 27th September 2015.   This mixed event is open to all golfers, with individual, couples or team entry. With an…read more


As announced on 30th January, Desert Springs is holding its eleventh annual election for members to choose a Treasurer and two members for each of the Club’s Handicap and Competitions Committees, for the period 1st April 2015 through to 31st March 2016.  All members were sent a ‘Desert Springs Golf Club Officials Election Nomination Form’,…read more