Ryder Cup match

The Club has been asked to issue the following announcement by Desert Springs Golf Club Vice-Captain, Philip Lockyer. Dear Members, La Herrería Golf Club has contacted the Club to request a change of dates for the Ryder Cup Match between Desert Springs and La Herrería Golf Club to be played at La Herrería scheduled to…read more

Warm weather football training

Pictured during warm weather football training at Desert Springs are players from Norway’s second division Bryne Fotballklubb.   The warm weather football training facilities at Desert Springs in Spain are the talk of the footballing fraternity in Norway, it seems. The news follows a visit by Norway’s second division Bryne Fotballklubb to Europe’s only international…read more

Ryder Cup Event

It is with regret that we must inform you that the Madrid Clubs V’s Desert Springs Ryder Cup Match event scheduled for Sunday 2nd August 2009 has been cancelled. This is due to the Clubs’ of Madrid finding it difficult to get the commitment of their members to form a team. In the past few…read more

Green Fee Offers

Desert Springs has today introduced a ‘Sundown Green Fee’ for all reservations made after midday through to 31st May 2009. Director of Golf, Simon Coaker remarked: As announced in January, the published seasonal offers were designed to encourage use of the golf course during certain periods, when use is bound to be low, i.e., from…read more

Ryder Cup Matches

The Club has been asked to issue the following statement made by Philip Lockyer, a member of the Competitions Committee acting on its behalf, explaining the recent decision of that committee and the Club concerning Desert Springs entrants for future Ryder Cup competitions at Desert Springs. Dear Members, I am delighted to inform you that…read more

Golf Competitions

The committee has decided following feedback from members that for this year the Club Championship and Handicap Salver will be played as two separate competitions on the same days. This decision was reached in order to allow maximum participation from all members regardless of Handicap. The Club Championship will as usual be played from the…read more

Ryder Cup Match

The Club has been asked to issue the following information by Philip Lockyer, a member of the Competitions Committee acting on its behalf. Dear Members, We have now received confirmation of the dates of this years Ryder Cup match between Desert Springs and La Herrería Golf Club. This will be played at Desert Springs on…read more

Invitation to La Cala

Members of Desert Springs have been invited to enter a team in the X Día del Interclub Tournament to be held at La Cala Golf Resort on Sunday 31st May 2009. Teams of 8 players will compete in a Team Fourball Better Ball Tournament, with the 4 scores counting towards the team total. The event…read more

Captain’s Farewell

Dear Member / Property Owner, As they say, all good things must come to an end! As of April 1st I have officially entered into retirement (not for the first time I might add!) and handed over the mantle of Desert Springs Club Captain to Barry Carver, to whom I wish the best for his…read more

Golf Course Maintenance

GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ APRIL 2009   Dear Member / Property Owner, Following on from the ‘The Golf Course Superintendents News Letter’ sent to you in February which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana course in…read more