Golf Professionals

Desert Springs Golf Club is happy to announce some important changes within the Golf Professional Team. Firstly, Christine Langford who is well known to most Members and Property Owners, will now take up a more active role in the promotion and development of the Academy of Golf in her new position as Director of the Academy. The world class nature of the facilities of the Academy are consistently confirmed by the more well traveled players that use them and by the increasing number and repeated visits of UK County Union teams and international teams. Christine will now be responsible for building upon this success and for the development and introduction of further packages designed for groups and individuals looking to improve their golfing skills, from high handicappers through to Touring Professionals, at the “Center of Excellence” that the Academy of Golf at Desert Springs has become.

Christine will be supported in her new role by Head Golf Professional, Colin White, and by a newly appointed Golf Professional, Alfonso Castiñeira Marcos. Alfonso, who competed in the Spanish Amateur Championship at Desert Springs and then went on to a fantastic win at La Cañada Golf Club in the Copa de Andalucía, which left him standing 3rd in the National Amateur Ranking prior to turning professional, is looking forward to working closely with Colin and Christine to promote the golfing experience at Desert Springs.

Alfonso will be demonstrating his golfing talents in a new series of events, when he will join forces with Colin to take on all-comers in a number of ‘Beat the Pros’ challenges to be held on Sunday mornings. These events will provide a continued avenue for Members, Property Owners and guests to play and mix socially with the Pros and, if you’re feeling brave, take them on at their own game. More information will follow shortly but will include the opportunity for all to play the fabulous Indiana Course, as it was designed to be played – from the Championship Tees!

For more information contact: Colin White
Telephone: +34 627 484 460