Voting in the third annual election of the Desert Springs Golf Club to choose a Vice-captain and two members each for the Club’s Handicap and Competition Committees for 1st April 2007 through to 31st March 2008 closed at the end of March. Validation and counting of votes has been completed and the names of the candidates elected by the membership are;

Club Vice-Captain: Martin Symington

Handicap Committee: No Nominations Received

Competitions Committee: Barry Carver
Competitions Committee: Philip Martin Lockyer

Simon Coaker, Director of Golf commented,

“This year more than 40% of the members exercised their right to vote during the election process. I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the Club, to both congratulate and to welcome the newly elected officers; we look forward to working together with the aim, as always, of enhancing everyone’s enjoyment of playing the magnificent Indiana Course and of using the Club and all of its facilities.

This strength of voting has positively demonstrated the members confidence in all those persons nominated. It should not be forgotten that in allowing their names to go forward they have committed their time and their efforts to the representation of the Club’s membership, to officiating in Club competitions and to working with management to build upon what has proven to have been an increasingly accepted and used channel of communications between Members and the management.”

The “Captain’s Drive In”, to welcome incoming Captain Helen Lavis and the newly elected officers, has been scheduled for Thursday 12th April.

All Members have been sent entrance forms and we are anticipating a large turn out, so if you haven’t sent in your entrance form yet, please do so!

For more information contact: Lina Rodriquez-Club Secretary
Telephone: +34 627 435 343