Desert Springs is holding its second elections amongst members to choose a Vice-Captain and two members for each of the Club’s Handicap and Competitions Committees, to take office for the period 1st April 2006 through to 31st March 2007.The closing date for all completed ‘Club Officials Election Nomination’ forms to be returned to the Club was February 28th.  

Simon Coaker, Director of Golf commented,

“The support and commitment of the membership to continue to work together with the Club has been reinforced by the nominations received. By virtue of accepting their nomination, the nominees have demonstrated their commitment to representing the membership and to build upon the firm foundation created by the present Club Officials for the benefit of all. We would like to take this opportunity to encourage all members to show their confidence in those who have kindly accepted their nomination.”

Where a person has been nominated more than once, we have only listed one of the nominations.

The following persons have accepted their nomination and secondment to be put forward for election to the office of: –

Vice-Captain Roger Butters
Helen Lavis
Dennis Stafford
Ian Botham
John Fry
Brendan Bresliny
Handicap Committee Dennis Stafford
John Rosenthal
Roger Butters
Patrick Carroll
Michael Wherlock
Jean Carroll
Competitions Committee Roger Butters Jean Carroll Patrick Carroll

Each member is now being sent a ‘Voting Form’, which is also available from the golf reception in the Clubhouse, identifying all those being put forward for election to each position. An e-mail voting form will also be posted on our website in the Owners section as soon as possible.

The qualification for voting is that all persons wishing to vote must be current members of the Desert Springs Golf Club.

All completed voting forms must be returned for the attention of The Club Secretary at Desert Springs by March 31st, as before, by hand, e-mail, fax, but preferably not by post in view of the vagaries experienced. Once validated, the votes submitted will be counted and the names of the successful candidates elected for office by the membership will be announced.

For further information contact: Lina Rodriquez (Club Secretary)   
Tel: (0034) 627 435 343