Golf Course Maintenance





Dear Member / Property Owner,


Following on from the Golf Course Superintendent’s News Letter sent to you in August, which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course in September, we are pleased to be able to give you an update on the works carried out and to inform you of the schedule of works which shall take place in October 2014.




Fungicide Spraying

The preventative application of fungicides to help safeguard and protect the course against strong summer turf grass diseases has been completed as per the schedule.


Bermuda Grass Encroachment

The Men’s 1st tee has been sprayed with applications of Roundup, on a small area at the back of the tee. This areas will turn white and will be turfed or overseeded during November.


Annual Golf Course Verti-Cutting, Overseeding and Sand Topdressing Program

The fairway verti-cutting and overseeding has been completed as per the schedule throughout the golf course. Germination of the new seed has already taken place, helping to improve grass density and playing conditions of the golf course. The sand topdressing of the fiarways will now take place in November.




Hollow Coring and Overseeding Tees

The tees will be hollow cored and overseeded to reduce soil compaction, improve air and water movement throughout the soil profile and enhance the playing surfaces. This maintenance program will take three weeks to complete. During this time tee markers may be moved to adjacent tees so that work can continue uninterrupted.


Annual Golf Course Overseeding and Sand Topdressing Program

Additional overseeding and sand topdressing will take place on any weak area of the golf course that has been slow to recover. In addition walk-off areas near green complexes will be staked off to control traffic on newly seeded areas. This will help improve the growing conditions for the new seed to establish.


Driving Range Tee

The grass driving range tee will verticut and overseeded with rye grass to reestablish the playing surface. Initially the grass tee it will only be used for scheduled events from the Tournament Events Calendar and prearranged National and County squad team bookings.


2014 and 2015 Greens Hollow Coring Dates

In the knowledge that all Property Owners and Members need to have as much notice as possible concerning particular aspects of the golf course maintenance schedule that may temporarily effect the playing conditions of the green’s surface, thus enabling them to plan particular holidays accordingly, please see below the remaining hollow coring date for 2014 and the new hollow coring dates for 2015.


Monday 10th November, 2014

  Monday 20th April, 2015

Monday 11th May, 2015

Monday 9th November, 2015


In Addition the Putting Green, Chipping Green and Driving Range Facility will be closed for hollow coring on Wednesday 12th November until 3pm, Wednesday 22nd April 2015, Wednesday 13th May 2015 and Wednesday 11th November 2015.


You will be able to keep up to date with the full tournament and social calendar, format and any additions, information of how to enter, and much, much more by visiting either our official website or by contacting the golf reception at Desert Springs.


We and the staff at Desert Springs are looking forward to seeing you on The Indiana course in the near future.


Kind regards,                                               Kind regards,


Neil Evans                                                   Anthony Brooks                   

Golf Operations Manager                            Golf Course Superintendent