Golf Club Officials

As announced on 30th January, Desert Springs is holding its tenth annual election for members to choose a Vice-Captain, Treasurer and two members for each of the Club’s Handicap and Competitions Committees, for the period 1st April 2014 through to 31st March 2015.  All members were sent a ‘Desert Springs Golf Club Officials Election Nomination Form’, an e-mail form was posted in the Owners section on our web site and copies have been displayed at the Golf reception in the Club House.


Martin Brännström, Golf Operations Manager commented,


“We are advising the membership of the nominations received to date as we believe that this will assist in the process and remove uncertainty as to whether anyone has been nominated for any particular role already or not.”


In the case where a person has been nominated more than once, we have listed only one of the nominations. 


To date the following persons have accepted their nomination and secondment to be put forward for election to the office of:


OFFICE                                                  NOMINEE NOMINATED BY SECONDED BY
Vice-Captain Martin McLellan David Mathewson Janet Mathewson
Treasurer Richard Dunphy Nicky Vanstone Martin Vanstone
Handicap Committee  Paul Taylor Janet Mathewson David Mathewson
Handicap Committee  Lynne Taylor Nicky Vanstone Martin Vanstone
Competitions Committee Jaki White Wikkie de Graaf Sandra Edwards
Competitions Committee  Richard Fuller Sandra Edwards Wikkie de Graaf
Competitions Committee Martin Vanstone David Mathewson Janet Mathewson


With only 5 days remaining, please remember that all completed nomination forms must be returned by hand, e-mail, fax or post to the Clubhouse reception to arrive no later than 18.00 hrs on February 28th.


Immediately after this date, each member will be sent a ‘Voting Form’ identifying all those persons going forward for election to each position.


All completed voting forms must then be returned to the Clubhouse at Desert Springs by 18.00 hrs on March 31st, again, by hand, e-mail, fax or post. Following the verification of the validity of the voting forms submitted and their counting, the names of the successful candidates elected for office by the membership will be announced.