Desert Springs Golf Club today announces the fourth annual election for members to choose a Vice-captain and two members each for the Club’s Handicap and Competition Committees to take office for the period 1st April 2008 through to 31st March 2009. 

Since April, 2005, Club Officers have been elected annually from and by the Members to work with the management of the Club.  It has enabled willing Members to participate to a greater extent in both golfing and Membership aspects of the club and to engage directly as elected representatives with its operators and owners.  An important objective has been to provide an approachable, open and official channel of communications between Members and management and to provide a representative grouping of Members and management, where focussed and informed discussion of issues, proposals, possibilities and solutions could take place in a positive manner. This has worked well, where used, and has led to better understanding and improvements and enjoyment for all at Desert Springs.

It is also the case that it has not worked so well where Members have not been put forward to participate, as has been the case with the Handicap Committee this last year, nor where Members’ issues have been raised and responded to by management outside of this representative structure, where greater understanding and more measured debate can flourish. It depends on Members’ willingness to allow their names to go forward, to devote time to represent the views of others, as well as their own, and to work constructively with management.  Members have shown this willingness previously and we sincerely hope that the same will be true of these elections.

A ‘Desert Springs Golf Club Officials Election Nomination Form’ has been sent to all members.  They are also available at the Clubhouse reception and an e-mail form will shortly be posted on our web site in the Owners section.  All completed nomination forms must be returned by hand, e-mail, fax or post to the Club Secretary to arrive no later than February 29th.  We shall be letting you know during this period the names of those nominated to date, as we believe that this will assist in the process and remove uncertainty as to whether anyone has been nominated for any particular role already.

Immediately after that date, each member will be sent a ‘Voting Form’ identifying those persons going forward for election to each position. This form will also be available at the Clubhouse reception and on the web site in the Owners section.

All completed voting forms must then be returned to Desert Springs by March 31st, again by hand, e-mail, fax or post for the attention of the Club Secretary.  Following the verification of the validity of the voting forms submitted and their counting, the names of the successful candidates, elected by the membership, will be announced.

For further information contact: Lina Rodriquez-Club Secretary
Telephone: (+34) 627 435 343