Cricket @ Desert Springs

Bedford School Cricket Club Pre-Season Winter Training Camp at the

Desert Springs Cricket Academy


Bedford School Cricket players are now back in England having completed a successful four (4) days of warm weather pre-season cricket and fitness training between Monday 04th March – Thursday 07th April at Desert Springs Resort, Europe’s only international award-winning luxury family resort and championship desert golf course with its very own dedicated Cricket Academy, in the Almanzora region of Almeria, Andalucía in south-east Spain.


Gary Steer, Bedford School Director of Cricket, along with two supporting staff, Pip August 1st XI Assistant Coach and Tom Brett, UISA Coach, accompanied twenty-three (23) players, aged between 14-18 years old, who completed bowling, batting and fielding practice as well as strength and conditioning training sessions as they stepped up their physical preparations for the upcoming 2016 season.


Bedford School Director of Cricket, Gary Steer commented:

“Desert Springs Cricket Academy is an excellent facility with such courteous staff who were helpful at all times. Thank you to everyone at Desert Springs!”


‘Bedford School Cricket Club Nets Practice Session’ at the

Desert Springs Cricket Academy


The training camp worked on a specific and carefully planned programme covering technical skills, strength and conditioning and both individual and group activity.

Bedford School players said of their pre-season training experience at the Desert Springs Cricket Academy:

 “Great facilities and wonderful staff. The nets and square enabled us to have a meaningful and constructive pre-season and it’s just a shame to leave!” Harry Beard

“The staff at the resort have been so helpful. Great food, and the cricket facilities and golf are ‘crème de la crème!” Tom Blythman

 “The cricket facilities are superb! This has been a trip I shall never forget!” William Haggar

To view a video of the Desert Springs Cricket Academy view: – Desert Springs Cricket Academy


The players and coaches were accommodated in some of the privately owned apartments normally reserved for holidays and short breaks at Desert Springs and the resort’s executive chef was on hand to cater for the special dietary requirements of individual players dining in El Torrente Restaurant.