Club Championship Dinner Saturday 2nd April

Desert Springs Golf Club

Club Championship Dinner Invitation

Dear Member, Owner,

Further to the postponement of the Club Championship Dinner we have had some feedback asking if there are any restrictions on who can the attend this event.

We would therefore like to advise that all Golf Club members, Desert Springs Owners, golfers or not, playing in the competitions or not, are invited to attend and enjoy this event along with their guests. This is one of the main social events of the year which is arranged for the enjoyment of all at Desert Springs.

This also applies to the Captain’s Drive-In (15th April) and Captain’s charity day (8th October), along with other social events which may be advertised from time to time. These are a great opportunity to meet other like-minded people who all enjoy the Desert Springs Resort.

So, to remind you, the Club Championship Dinner is now being held on Saturday 2nd April and we would welcome as many of you as possible to attend. All you have to do is contact Resort Reception by 17.00hrs. on Monday 28th March to confirm you and your guests attendance.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Saturday 2nd April at El Torrente Restaurant.