YOUR PERSONAL INVITATION TO ATTEND THE LAUNCH OF OUR NEW LOOK ‘COLORADO’ & ‘BUENAVENTURA’ SHOW HOME VILLAS   Award winning property developer The Almanzora Group, is excited to be hosting an EXCLUSIVE OWNERS INVITATION ONLY PREVIEW OPENING of its impressive new ‘COLORADO’ and ‘BUENAVENTUARA’ show homes, located at Desert Springs Resort within the communities of…read more

Cricket News,NewsflashWhitgift School Complete 2017 Pre-Season Cricket Training Camp at Desert Springs

  Whitgift School players are now back in England having completed a successful four (4) days of warm weather pre-season cricket and fitness training between Monday 03rd – Friday 07th April at Desert Springs Resort, Europe’s only international award-winning luxury family resort and championship desert golf course with its very own dedicated Cricket Academy, in…read more

Cricket News,NewsflashRadley & Winchester College Set To Visit Desert Springs For Pre-Season Warm Weather Cricket Training Camp

Radley College, a boys’ independent boarding school founded in 1847, located near Radley, Oxfordshire, England and Winchester College, an independent boarding school for boys’ that claims the longest unbroken history of any school in England, having existed in its present location in Winchester, Hampshire, England for over 600 years, will be following in the auspicious…read more

Cricket News,NewsflashHartley Country Cricket Club Complete 2017 Pre-Season Cricket Training Camp

Hartley Country CC 2017 Pre-Season Winter Training Camp at Desert Springs Cricket Academy Hartley Country Cricket Club players are now back in England having completed a successful four (4) days of warm weather pre-season cricket and fitness training between Thursday 30th March – Monday 03rd April at Desert Springs Resort, Europe’s only international award-winning luxury…read more

NewsflashCríquet en Desert Springs

Whitgift School, ubicado en Londres, South Croydon seguirá los pasos de Lnacashire CCC y Somerset CCC y elevará el nivel de sus preparaciones para su temporada de críquet 2017 con su presencia en una concentración de cuatro (4) días de pretemporada en la Academia de Críquet de Desert Springs entre el lunes 3 y el…read more

Cricket News,NewsflashHartley Country Cricket Club Set To Visit Desert Springs For Pre-Season Warm Weather Cricket Training Camp

  Hartley Country CC, located in Hartley, Longfield in Kent, will be stepping up their preparations for their 2017 cricket campaign by attending a four (4) day pre-season training camp at the Desert Springs Cricket Academy between Thursday 30th – Monday 03rd April 2017. To view the video of the Desert Springs Cricket Academy Click…read more

NewsflashCríquet en Desert Springs

Hartley Country CC, ubicado en Hartley, Longfield en Kent elevará el nivel de sus preparaciones para su temporada de críquet 2017 con su presencia en una concentración de cuatro (4) días de pretemporada en la Academia de Críquet de Desert Springs entre el jueves 30 de marzo y el lunes 3 de abril de 2017.…read more

NewsflashRanking Campos de Golf

El Campo Indiana en Desert Springs ha sido reconocido como el 5º Mejor Campo de Golf de Andalucía, basado en las valoraciones de los jugadores en la web The Leading Courses.   The Leading Courses puntúa a los Clubs de Golf de varios países, incluyendo Holanda, Turquía, Reino Unido, Alemania, Bélgica, Chipre, Emiratos Árabes Unidos,…read more


DESERT SPRINGS TO HOST EUROPEAN TOUR QUALIFYING SECOND STAGE   It gives us great pleasure to announce that Desert Springs has been selected to host this years European Tour Qualifying School Second Stage for the first time between Friday 3rd – Monday 6th November, 2017. Desert Springs Director of Golf, Simon Coaker & Mike Stewart, European Tour…read more

NewsflashEuropean Tour

  DESERT SPRINGS SERÁ SEDE DE LA SEGUNDA FASE DE CLASIFICACIÓN DE LA ESCUELA DEL TOUR EUROPEO   Nos produce enorme placer anunciar que Desert Springs Resort ha sido seleccionado para acoger la Segunda Fase de la Escuela de Clasificación del Circuito Europeo por primera vez entre el viernes 3 y el lunes 6 de…read more

Cricket News,NewsflashSomerset CCC Complete 2017 Pre-Season Cricket Training Camp

Somerset CCC 2017 Pre-Season Winter Training Camp at Desert Springs Cricket Academy Somerset County Cricket Club players are now back in England having completed a successful ten (10) days of warm weather pre-season cricket and fitness training between Monday 6th – Thursday 16th March at Desert Springs Resort, Europe’s only international award-winning luxury family resort…read more

NewsflashBritish Airways

  La popularidad de Desert Springs Resort como destino vacacional para entusiastas del deporte, familias y viajes corporativos parece florecer este verano con el lanzamiento de un nuevo vuelo desde Londres Heathrow a Murcia a finales de este mes. Desde el 28 de marzo, British Airways operará dos veces por semana en verano desde la…read more

Cricket News,NewsflashBlundell’s School Complete Pre-Season Cricket Training Camp

  Blundell’s School Cricket Club at The Desert Springs Cricket Academy Blundell’s School Cricket players are now back in England having completed a successful three (3) days of warm weather pre-season cricket and fitness training between Friday 17th – Monday 20th February at Desert Springs Resort, Europe’s only international award-winning luxury family resort and championship…read more

NewsflashCríquet en Desert Springs

  El Club de Cr?quet del Colegio Blundell en la Academia de Cr?quet de Desert Springs Los jugadores de cr?quet de Blundell School est?n ahora de vuelta en Inglaterra tras haber completado tres (3) d?as de entrenamiento de pretemporada de cr?quet y acondicionamiento f?sico en clima c?lido entre el viernes 17 y lunes 20 de…read more

NewsflashCríquet en Desert Springs

El Club de Críquet del Colegio Blundell en la Academia de Críquet de Desert Springs   Los jugadores de críquet de Blundell School están ahora de vuelta en Inglaterra tras haber completado tres (3) días de entrenamiento de pretemporada de críquet y acondicionamiento físico en clima cálido entre el viernes 17 y lunes 20 de…read more