NewsflashNew Menus & Prices

Desert Springs is pleased to announce the launch of its new menus in the restaurants with lower prices and even better quality. El Torrente Restaurant The new Chef’s Luncheon Selection includes Starter, Main Course, Dessert and Coffee for only 14€ per person. This menu is served daily and on a Sunday includes the choice of…read more

NewsflashGolf Club Officials

The fifth annual election for members to choose a Vice-captain and two members each for the Club’s Handicap and Competition Committees, for the period 1st April 2009 through 31st March 2010, is announced.   Since April, 2005, Club Officers have been elected annually from and by Members to work with the management of the Club.…read more

NewsflashGolf Club Officials

Did you promise to get fit in the New Year? After the festive season, one of the most common resolutions people make is to improve their overall health and physical fitness. What better way to start 2009 than with a work out, using state of the art equipment at the Sierra Sports and Fitness Club?…read more

NewsflashGreen Fee Offers

Desert Springs has today posted the ‘2009 Non Resident Members Extra Rounds, Members Guests & Non Member Property Owner Green Fee Offers’ in the Members section of our web site at Copies can also be obtained from Golf Reception. Director of Golf, Simon Coaker remarked: "First introduced last year, this publication is intended to…read more

NewsflashSeasonal Gift Ideas

As the Yule Tide fast approaches bringing seasonal celebrations and festivities, here is your opportunity to delight with fantastic offers for the festive season! The Day Spa @ Desert Springs have some great gift ideas for that someone special. Elemis products, exclusively available at The Day Spa, are award winning life style brands which are…read more

NewsflashThe Marquee

Dear Residents & Holidaymakers, Please be informed of the opening hours of the Marquee over the Christmas and New Year period:   Up to 24th December 10.00 – 14.00 25th December – 28th December inc. Closed 29th December – 31st December 10.00 – 14.00 1st January 2009 Closed 2nd January onwards 10.00 – 14.00  …read more

NewsflashBeefy’s Charity Golf Series

Sporting celebrities & legends from the world of Golf, Football, Horse Racing, Snooker, Athletics, Cricket, Rugby and the entertainment industry gathered in support of the Sir Ian Botham Charity Golf Classic Grand Final, presented by joint sponsors talkSPORT Radio and Java Trading Company at the Desert Springs Resort and Golf Club between Thursday 30th October…read more

NewsflashChristmas Offers

We all know that buying a Christmas present for the golfer that has everything isn’t easy, so we have come up with some specific special offers that may just help you out! How about the ‘GASP Experience’? Available from now until the end of February 2009, this special coaching package offers you the unique benefits…read more

NewsflashHo Ho Ho

22nd DECEMBER – 24th DECEMBER: MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY The Cave Bar: Santa will be in residence at Desert Springs this year! He will be on hand from 18.00h – 20.00h to hear the holiday wishes of children – the bar will be stocked up with drinks and mince pies for parents and entrance per child…read more

NewsflashChristmas Party & Migas

DESERT SPRINGS CHRISTMAS PARTY You are most welcome to join us on 10th December (Wednesday), from 20.00h – 01.00h for the annual Desert Springs Christmas Party. This year staff & residents will party at El Torrente and tickets cost 20 €uros per person – which includes dinner and all wine, beer, tea, coffee and/or refreshments…read more

NewsflashRestaurant Closures

Dear Residents & Holidaymakers, We regret to inform you that the restaurants will be closed down for general maintenance as follows: The Crocodile Club will be closed from the 9th until the 14th December 2008 inclusive. Whilst the Crocodile Club is closed El Torrente Bar & Restaurant will be open from 07.15hrs until 24.00hrs and…read more

NewsflashWinter Season

Please be advised of the new winter season opening/closing times at The Desert Springs Resort that come into effect immediately: El Torrente Bar & Restaurant Monday to Sunday 07.15hrs – 19.00hrs* Last food orders 17.00hrs The Crocodile Club Monday to Sunday 19.00hrs – 00.00hrs* Last food orders 22.00hrs Takeaway service available. The Marquee Monday to…read more

NewsflashCaptain’s Charity Day

As announced on 1st August, Desert Springs Club Captain, Martin Symington rescheduled his Captain’s Charity Day to take place on Sunday 2nd November 2008. As a consequence of the ‘Sir Ian Botham Charity Golf Classic Grand Final’ being held from Thursday 30th October through to Saturday 1st November, it is anticipated that a large number…read more

NewsflashBody Care Routine

Summer may be over but good facial, body, physical and spiritual care routines are essential if you want to look and feel your best all winter long. Follow our tips for a healthier, fitter and rejuvenated regime: Christmas celebrations. Good fun is the best way to feeling good about life. For a thoroughly up-lifting and…read more


An architecturally correct visualisation showing how the 166-bedroom lakeside hotel – The Beach House @ Desert Springs – will look when it is completed. A view of the existing golf course at Desert Springs where plans have been announced for a second 18-hole golf course within the 300 hectare (750 acre) resort. A wider choice…read more

NewsflashAPAS Tournament

The 2008 ‘Madera Verde Conference’ that the Desert Springs Resort was invited to host by the Spanish Ministry of the Environment’s Association for the Promotion of Socio-Cultural Activities (APAS) for their invited guests, referred to in the NewsFlash, of the 1st May 2008, has unfortunately now been postponed; possibly until later in 2009. Tee times…read more

NewsflashRestaurant Opening Times

EL TORRENTE Award-winning fine dining as well as light tasty snacks and good service in the elegant and relaxing Indiana Clubhouse at Desert Springs or ‘al fresco’ on the deck over Powder Creek Rapids. Breakfast, lunch and evening menus are served. A new cost cutting ‘Menu del Dia’ is offered as a speciality. Opening Hours:…read more

NewsflashSummer Sale

The Ashworth Clothing Summer Sale for both Men and Ladies is now on at the Desert Springs Golf Academy Shop located in the marquee next to the practice facilities. All Ashworth clothing has been reduced by 30%, so now is the perfect time to add to your golfing wardrobe. The ‘Silver Label Collection’ for Men…read more

NewsflashKids Club

Dear Residents, Just a quick update to remind you that our “Kids Club” is up and running. During July and August the Kids Club (for children between 6-12 yrs.) will take place on Monday – Friday, from 11.00 – 17.30h (healthy lunch included), please do ring me to enroll your child as soon as possible…read more

NewsflashNew Mural

On 17th July, Desert Springs will unveil 3 large ceramic murals located at the entrance to the Resort. All will be revealed from 21.00h and the unveiling will be presided over by the Mayor of Cuevas del Almanzora, D. Jesús Caicedo. These murals have been created and hand-made by the well-known international Spanish artist, Julio…read more