Anunciamos la octava elección anual para elegir al Vice-Capitán, Tesorero y dos miembros para cada uno de los  Comités del Club, Handicap y Competición, para el periodo que comprende desde el 1 de abril de 2012 hasta el 31 de marzo de 2013. Desde abril del 2005, los Oficiales del Club han sido elegidos anualmente…read more

NewsflashAlmanzora Owners

The Owners Point of Contact Schedule has recently been up dated and can be downloaded from the ‘Owner’s Information’ section of our website by clicking here. It was originally issued with the following advice, which although circumstances have changed, still seems reasonably relevant and is therefore reproduced below for your information. "On occasion uncertainty can…read more

NewsflashCrocodile Club Schedules

Please be aware that the Crocodile Club will not be opening every Saturday and Sunday to show live sports as previously advertised. Live Sports will be screened every evening in the Clubhouse Sales Office, apart from the following dates, when the Crocodile Club will be open. Once again, please be aware that these rules are…read more


Dear Members / Property Owners, Over summer and autumn we received reports of children playing in bunkers and families taking walks up the fairways during playing hours, persons walking dogs, on the leash and loose, on and fouling the course, cyclists riding on cart tracks, persons extracting balls from water features and gardens, golfers using…read more

NewsflashChristmas & New Year

Please find below the Calendar of Events being held at Desert Springs Resort over the Christmas and New Year period. Friday the 23rd to Monday the 26th of December Christmas Week at The Cave Bar, El Torrente Restaurant & The Crocodile Club Sunday the 18th, Thursday the 22nd & Friday the 23rd of December Santa…read more

NewsflashGolf Club Winter Hours

Desert Springs Golf Club has today announced its official winter opening hours applicable from Tuesday 8th November 2011.   Golf Clubhouse Reception: 08:45 hrs until 17:00 hrs.   Indiana Golf Course: 08:59 hrs until 18:00 hrs. The first tee time available for reservation for the Indiana course will be 08.59hrs.   Caddy Master Building: 08:45…read more

Newsflash2012 Green Fee Offers

Desert Springs has today published its ‘2012 Public Green Fee Offers’ on its website. The ‘2012 Non Resident Members Extra Rounds, Members Guests & Non Member Property Owner Green Fee Offers’ have also been posted within the Owners section of the website. Golf Operations Manager, José Ignacio Olea remarked: "First introduced in 2008, ‘The Seasonal…read more

NewsflashUD Almeria Football Camp

UD Almería Team 2011   A squad of 24 players and twelve officials from Almeria Football Club – which currently competes in Liga Adelante (Spanish Division Two) followed in the footsteps of other teams such as Byrne, Honefoss and Shrewsbury Town Football Club, by enjoying the facilities of the Football Academy established at Desert Springs for…read more

NewsflashPretemporada de Fútbol – UD Almería

UD Almería Team 2011   Un equipo de 24 jugadores y doce directivos del Almería Club de Fútbol – que actualmente compite en la Liga Adelante (Segunda División Española), siguiendo los pasos de otros equipos, tales como Byrne, Honefoss y Sherwsbury Town Football Club, han disfrutado de las instalaciones de la Academia de Fútbol situada…read more

NewsflashFootball Camps

This summer at Desert Springs, ‘Fútbol’ will be the key word! Unión Deportiva Almería (Almería Football Club) have selected the Desert Springs Resort to be host to their pre-season training camp between Monday 18th – Saturday 30th July. A squad of 24 players and twelve officials from Almería Football Club – which currently competes in…read more

NewsflashThe Nature Bulletin June 2011

  Cuevas del Almanzora’s town council asked DESERT SPRINGS for some ideas and help in the design of a roundabout at the entrance of the town. Rather than just installing another fountain in this water challenged region, the town council preferred to plant species with little needs for water, so Cacti and other Succulent plants…read more

NewsflashEaster Week 2011

Easter Week 2011 @ Desert Springs Resort Thursday 21st April – Live Music at The Crocodile Club Come and join us for some live music at the Crocodile Club with local Singer Brendan O Dee. We will have available our Light Bite Menu, come along for an evening of fun from 20.30pm! Saturday 23rd April…read more

NewsflashMatriculated Golf Buggys

The Mancomunidad at Desert Springs has been working with Playas and Desert Springs for the last year or so compiling a short but comprehensive set of rules governing the use of private golf buggies on the Golf Course and the resort roads. Whilst the roads at Desert Springs are owned by the Mancomunidad persons using…read more


Voting in the seventh annual election of the Desert Springs Golf Club to choose a Vice-captain and two members each for the Club’s Handicap and Competition Committees for the period 1st April 2011 through to 31st March 2012 closed at 18.00 hrs on the 31st March. Validation and counting of all votes received has been…read more

NewsflashGolf Clothing Sale

The temperature outside is rising and the prices in the Desert Springs Golf Boutique are also getting hotter! The Golf Boutique Clearance Sale starts today and ends on 30th April. Brands such as Escada Sport, Polo Ralph Lauren and Ashworth offer a wide selection of quality golf and leisure apparel and there’s also the opportunity…read more


The seventh annual election for members to choose a Vice-captain and two members each for the Club’s Handicap and Competition Committees, for the period 1st April 2011 through 31st March 2012, is announced.   Since April, 2005, Club Officers have been elected annually from and by Members to work with the management of the Club.…read more

NewsflashRestaurant Schedules

Please find below new Restaurant opening hours at Desert Springs Resort, effective from the 1st of January 2011 until the 14th of July 2011:     El Torrente Restaurant Tel: 0034 950 548 403 / 0034 637 861 590 NOW OPENING FOR DINNER EVERY EVENING           Monday to Sunday 08.00hrs –…read more

NewsflashEvents Marquee Services

Dear Residents & Holidaymakers, We would like to inform you that as of the 25th of December 2010, the services currently offered at the Events Marquee will be relocated as follows: The Micro Stores will be relocated to Clubhouse Bar, where a list of items will be available to purchase and take away from 08.00hrs…read more

NewsflashMerrry Christmas

All at the Almanzora Bay Group would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our owners and friends for their continued support and to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and prosperous New Year! We have designed our very own Christmas card for you which can be viewed by clicking here. We…read more

Newsflash2011 Green Fee Offers

Desert Springs has today published its ‘2011 Public Green Fee Offers’ on its web site here. The ‘2011 Non Resident Members Extra Rounds, Members Guests & Non Member Property Owner Green Fee Offers’ have also been posted within the Owners section of the web site here. Golf Operations Manager, José Ignacio Olea remarked: "First introduced…read more