Cricket News,NewsflashCricket @ Desert Springs

Yorkshire County Cricket Club Coach Anthony McGrath (Top Row Far Right) and Sam Hinchcliffe Head of Customer Operations (Bottom Row Far Left) with squad players Ryan Gibson, Josh Shaw, Jim Wainman, Jonathan Tattersall, Dan Hodgson & Elliot Callis attending the Pre-Season Training Camp   Yorkshire County Cricket Club players are now back in England having…read more

Cricket News,NewsflashCricket @ Desert Springs

Somerset County Cricket Club players during their last evening following their Pre-Season Winter Training Camp at Desert Springs Cricket Academy   Somerset County Cricket Club players are now back in England having completed a successful nine (9) days of warm weather pre-season cricket and fitness training between Wednesday 4th & Thursday 12th March at Desert…read more

Cricket News,NewsflashCricket @ Desert Springs

Sussex County Cricket Club Bowling Coach Jon Lewis (Far Right) and Nicholas Lee Sussex County Cricket Club Strength & Conditioning Coach (Far Left) with players attending the Pre-Season Training Camp   Sussex County Cricket Club players are now back in England having completed a successful ten (10) days of warm weather pre-season cricket and fitness…read more

Cricket News,NewsflashCricket @ Desert Springs

Tom Maynard Trust players: Alexander Barrow (Somerset); Bradley Erasamus (Surrey); Alex Wakely (Northants); Basil Akram (Hampshire); Andrew Umeed (Warwickshire); Mark Adair (Warwickshire); Matt Taylor (Gloucestershire); Liam Norwell (Gloucestershire); Barney Gibson (Yorkshire); Jack Murphy (Glamorgan); Jamie Porter (Essex) and Adam Tilcock (Nottinghamshire)   The second intake for the Tom Maynard Academy, comprising twelve (12) professional cricketers…read more

Cricket News,NewsflashYorkshire County Cricket Club

  This winter at Desert Springs, ‘shouts of FORE! have been combined with shouts of FOUR!   Yorkshire County Cricket Club (YCCC) is now set to follow in the footsteps of Somerset CCC, Sussex CCC, Lancashire CCC, Middlesex CCC, The Tom Maynard Trust, and the MCC Women’s Young Cricketers as they embark on their warm…read more

NewsflashEaster Weekend 2015 at Desert Springs Resort

Easter Weekend 2015 @ Desert Springs Resort   Saturday the 4th of April – Grand Easter Egg Hunt at El Chiringuito Children are invited to join us at El Chiringuito Bar for the Desert Springs Grand Easter Egg Hunt. All participating children will receive an Easter gift. El Chiringuito Bar will be serving hot and…read more

NewsflashSemana Santa 2015 en Desert Springs Resort

Semana Santa 2015 en Desert Springs Resort Sábado Santo 4 de Abril – La Gran Búsqueda del Huevo en El Chiringuito Todos los niños están invitados a “La Gran búsqueda de Huevo”. Todos los participantes recibirán un premio de pascua. En la Barra del Chiringuíto se servirán bebidas calientes & refrescos. ¡La Búsqueda comenzará a…read more

NewsflashOwners Privilege Scheme

The Almanzora Group is extremely pleased to announce that since its launch of some exceptional offers on a select number of new properties, that within the last twelve months, a total of five (5) new properties; two Townhouses at Desert Springs Resort, one Townhouse at Playa Marqués Beach and two Townhouses at Villaricos Village respectively,…read more

NewsflashPrograma de Recompensa para Propietarios

El Grupo Almanzora se complace en anunciar que desde el lanzamiento de algunas excepcionales ofertas en una selección de propiedades nuevas, a lo largo de los últimos doce meses, un total de cinco (5) nuevas propiedades; dos dúplex en Desert Springs Resort, un dúplex en Playa Marqués y dos dúplex en el pueblo de Villaricos,…read more

Cricket News,NewsflashSussex & Somerset Cricket

With the domestic cricket season drawing ever closer, both Sussex and Somerset County Cricket Club playing squads will be stepping up their preparations for the 2015 campaign by completing their warm weather training at the Desert Springs Cricket Academy from between 23rd February – 4th March and 4th – 12th March respectively.   To view…read more

NewsflashGolf Club Officials

The eleventh annual election for members to choose a Treasurer and two members each for the Club’s Handicap and Competition Committees, for the period 1st April 2015 through 31st March 2016, is announced.     Since April, 2005, Club Officers have been elected annually from and by Members to work with the management of the…read more

NewsflashOficiales del club

Anunciamos la undécimo elección anual para elegir al Tesorero y dos miembros para cada uno de los  Comités del Club, Handicap y Competición, para el periodo que comprende desde el 1 de abril de 2015 hasta el 31 de marzo de 2016.   Desde abril del 2005, los Oficiales del Club han sido elegidos anualmente…read more

Newsflash2015/16 Club Captain

Dear Members & Owners, At last years annual Golf Club Officials election, Martin McLellan was elected to be Desert Springs Golf Club Vice-Captain for the period 1st April 2014 through 31st March 2015.   As many of you will be aware, Martin is currently recovering from an illness.  At the last Committee Meeting, Club Captain…read more

NewsflashCapitán del Club 2015/2016

Estimados Socios y Propietarios, Durante las Elecciones de los Oficiales del Club del año pasado, Martin McLellan fue elegido como Vice-Capitán del Club de Golf Desert Springs para el periodo comprendido entre el 1 de abril de 2015 y el 31 de marzo de 2016. Como muchos de vosotros ya sabréis, Martin se está recuperando…read more

Cricket News,NewsflashCricket @ Desert Springs

  The intake for the ‘II Tom Maynard Academy’ has been confirmed, comprising twelve professional cricketers from ten of the UK’s first class counties. The 2015 intake will spend ten days from 19th – 28th February 2015 at Desert Springs, working on a carefully planned programme covering technical skills, strength and conditioning and both individual…read more

NewsflashComité de Competición

Estimados Socios / Residentes,   Tras la última reunión del Comité que tuvo lugar el 14 de noviembre nos gustaría informarles de los siguientes cambios que afectarán a las Competiciones del Calendario de Torneos de Desert Springs.   Competición ‘Roll Up’ del Jueves  La Competición ‘Roll Up’ del jueves ha sido renombrada como ‘Competición Semanal’.…read more

NewsflashDesert Springs Membership

Dear Member,  It is the time of the year when the Annual subscription fees for 2015 Club Membership need to be determined.  Your membership renewal and the attraction of new members remain as important as ever to the future of the Club. In 2013 the Club improved existing benefits and introduced new ones for its…read more

NewsflashMembresía Desert Springs

Estimado socio, Es la época del año en que la cuota anual para ser socio del club en el 2015 tiene que determinarse. Tanto la renovación de su membresía como la captación de nuevos socios siguen siendo tan importantes como siempre para el futuro del club.  En 2013, el Club mejoró las prestaciones existentes e…read more

NewsflashOwners Privilige Scheme

The Almanzora Group would like to say a special thank you to those 132 owners who to date have elected to join the ‘Property Owners Referral Scheme’. Over the years, many of those within the scheme have demonstrated their ongoing trust, support and confidence by referring and introducing friends; colleagues or relatives who have become…read more

NewsflashPrograma de Recompensa de Propietarios

El Grupo Almanzora quisiera agradecer especialmente a los 132 propietarios que hasta la fecha han optado por unirse al “Programa de Recompensa de Propietarios”. Con los años, muchos de los que están dentro del programa han demostrado su continua confianza y apoyo haciendo referencia e introduciendo a amigos; compañeros o familiares que a su vez…read more