NewsflashSICTED Distinction

It is with pleasure and pride that we announce that Desert Springs Resort & Golf Club has been awarded by the Sistema Integral de Calidad Turística En Destino (SICTED) the distinction of “Commitment to Tourism Quality”. Promoted by the Ministry of Tourism with the support of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), SICTED…read more

NewsflashDistinción SICTED

Es con gran placer y orgullo que anunciamos Desert Springs Resort y Club de Golf ha sido premiado por el Sistema Integral de Calidad Turística En Destino (SICTED) con la distinción de “Compromiso de Calidad Turística”.       Promovido por el Ministerio de Turismo con el apoyo de la Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias…read more

NewsflashChange of Shedules

The El Torrente Restaurant at Desert Springs Resort Dear Residents and Guests, On Wednesday the 17th of February 2016 the El Torrente Restaurant will be hosting the Prize Giving Lunch for the 'III Desert Springs & Millfield European Schools Team Championships'. The El Torrente Restaurant and the Clubhouse Bar will be closed to the general…read more

NewsflashCambio de Horarios

El restaurante El Torrente en Desert Springs Resort   Estimados Residentes y Huéspedes, Miércoles el 17 de febrero 2016, El Torrente Restaurante estará cerrado al público entre 12.00h y 18.00h por la comida y entrega de premios del torneo 'III Desert Springs & Millfield European Schools Team Championships' El Club Cocodrilo estará abierta al público…read more

NewsflashSolent University

Southampton Solent University Cricket Club will be stepping up their preparations for the 2016 campaign by completing their 4-day warm weather training camp at the Desert Springs Cricket Academy between Tuesday 29th March – Saturday 2nd April 2016. To view the video of the Desert Springs Cricket Academy Click Here Southampton Solent University is a…read more

NewsflashSolent University

Southapmton Solent Cricket Club elevará el nivel de su preparación para la campaña del 2016 mediante la celebración de un campamento de 4 días en clima cálido en la Academia de Críquet de Desert Springs entre el martes 29 de marzo y sábado 2 de abril de 2016.   Para ver el vídeo de la…read more

NewsflashClub Elections

The Twelth annual election for members to choose a Vice-Captain, Treasurer and two members each for the Club’s Handicap and Competition Committees, for the period 1st April 2016 through 31st March 2017, is announced.    Since April, 2005, Club Officers have been elected annually from and by Members to work with the management of the…read more


Anunciamos la duodécimo elección anual para elegir al Vice-Capitán, Tesorero y dos miembros para cada uno de los  Comités del Club, Handicap y Competición, para el periodo que comprende desde el 1 de abril de 2016 hasta el 31 de marzo de 2017.   Desde abril del 2005, los Oficiales del Club han sido elegidos…read more

Cricket News,NewsflashTrent College Cricket

Further to their inaugural visit back in 2012, Trent College has elected to return to Desert Springs Resort. A cricket squad of Twenty (20) players aged between 16 – 18 years and Three (3) officials from Trent College will be stepping up their preparations for the 2016 season by completing a 4-day training camp at…read more

Cricket News,NewsflashGlamorgan CCC

This winter at Desert Springs, ‘shouts of FORE! have been combined with shouts of FOUR!   Glamorgan County Cricket Club (Glamorgan CCC) is now set to follow in the footsteps of Somerset CCC, Sussex CCC, Lancashire CCC, Middlesex CCC and Yorkshire CCC as they embark on their warm weather pre – season training camp at…read more

Cricket News,NewsflashSomerset CCC

With the domestic cricket season drawing ever closer, Somerset County Cricket Club will be stepping up their preparations for the 2016 campaign by completing their 11-day warm weather training camp at the Desert Springs Cricket Academy between Monday 7th – Friday 18th March. To view the video of the Desert Springs Cricket Academy Click Here…read more

NewsflashONE Pro Cycling

Between Thursday 3rd – Friday 18th December, Desert Springs was host to ONE Pro Cycling Team, Britain's only Pro Conti Team, which will compete in races throughout the world in 2016.   ONE Pro Cycling riders and Staff during their visit to Desert Springs Resort   A total of twenty (20) riders and seventeen (17)…read more

NewsflashONE Pro Cycling

Entre el jueves 3 y el viernes 18 de diciembre, Desert Springs acogió al equipo ONE Pro Cycling, el único equipo británico Pro Conti, que competirá en carreras a nivel mundial en 2016. Los corredores y personal de ONE Pro Cycling durante su visita a Desert Springs Resort   Un total de veinte (20) corredores…read more

Cricket News,NewsflashSussex County Cricket Club

With the domestic cricket season drawing ever closer, Sussex County Cricket Club will be stepping up their preparations for the 2016 campaign by completing their 10-day warm weather training camp at the Desert Springs Cricket Academy between 22nd February – 3rd March. To view the video of the Desert Springs Cricket Academy Click Here The…read more


It is with great pleasure and pride that we announce that The Desert Springs Resort, Europe’s only international award-winning luxury family resort and championship desert golf course in the Almeria region of Andalucía, south-east Spain, has been nominated by the European Golf Travel Awards (EGTA) for Best Golf Resort for Groups.   The European Group…read more

NewsflashDesert Springs Membership

  Dear Member, It is the time of the year when the Annual subscription fees for 2016 Club Membership need to be determined.  Your membership renewal and the attraction of new members remain as important as ever to the future of the Club.   The Club would like to inform you of the following with…read more

NewsflashMembresía Desert Springs

Estimado socio, Es la época del año en que la cuota anual para ser socio del club en el 2016 tiene que determinarse. Tanto la renovación de su membresía como la captación de nuevos socios siguen siendo tan importantes como siempre para el futuro del club.  El Club quiere informarle de lo siguiente con respecto…read more

NewsflashONE Pro Cycling

We are delighted to announce that Desert Springs Resort has been selected to host ONE Pro Cycling Team for their Winter Pre-Season Training Camp between Thursday 3rd – Friday 18th December 2015.   Twenty (20) riders and seventeen (17) staff will be accommodated in some of the privately owned villas and apartments normally reserved for…read more

NewsflashONE Pro Cycling

Nos complace anunciar que Desert Springs Resort ha sido seleccionado para acoger al equipo ONE Pro Cycling durante su Pretemporada Invernal entre el jueves 3 y el viernes 18 de diciembre de 2015. Veinte (20) corredores y diecisiete (17) miembros del personal se alojarán en algunas de las villas y apartamentos privados que normalmente se…read more