Golf NewsGolf Club Officials

  As announced on 29th January, Desert Springs is holding its eighth annual election for members to choose a Vice-Captain, Treasurer and two members for each of the Club?s Handicap and Competitions Committees, for the period 1st April 2012 through to 31st March 2013. All members were sent a ?Desert Springs Golf Club Officials Election…read more

Golf NewsGolf Course Maintenance

  GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ FEBRUARY 2012   Dear Member / Property Owner, Following on from the ‘The Golf Course Superintendent’s News Letter sent to you in December which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course…read more

Golf NewsCommittee Announcement

  The Desert Springs Golf Club Committee, which holds office for the period 1st April 2011 – 31st March 2012, held its last official Committee meeting on Monday, 9th of January 2012. At that time it was proposed and approved that a Club Treasurer be introduced as a Committee Member at the commencement of the…read more

Golf NewsGolf Club Rules

  Dear Member / Property Owner, The Desert Springs Golf Club Rules, since their introduction in 2001 have, over time, evolved to become a more comprehensive document. Additional enhancements in respect to Membership benefits have been made, the facility for the use of privately owned golf buggies on the cart tracks of the golf course…read more

Golf NewsGolf Course Maintenance

  GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ JANUARY 2012   Dear Member / Property Owner, Following on from the ‘The Golf Course Superintendent’s News Letter sent to you in November which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course…read more

Golf NewsCommittee Anouncement

Dear Member / Property Owner, The current Desert Springs tournament calendar for 2011 had been designed by the Club and its elected officers to reflect the established pattern and frequency of visits to the Resort experienced during different periods over recent years and the degree of consistency of interest and support for the events demonstrated…read more

Golf News2012 Membership Renewal

  We are fast approaching that time of the year when annual Golf Membership Subscription renewal notices for 2012 will be sent to all current Golf Club members. The Club would like to take this opportunity to remind any member considering the non-renewal of their membership of their right to use the facility of Nomination…read more

Golf NewsGolf Course Maintenance

  GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ DECEMBER 2011   Dear Member / Property Owner, Following on from the ‘The Golf Course Superintendent’s News Letter sent to you in October which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course…read more

Golf News2012

  Desert Springs will host the fifth annual 'Golf 4 All' Pro-Am, to be played over the Championship Indiana course on the 9th and 10th January 2012. Desert Springs residents and touring professionals, Trish Johnson and Becky Brewerton will be joined by their colleagues from the Ladies European Tour for this unique Pro-Am Tournament. Played…read more

Golf NewsGolf Course Maintenance

  GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ NOVEMBER 2011   Dear Member / Property Owner, Following on from the ‘The Golf Course Superintendent’s News Letter sent to you in September which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course…read more

Golf NewsGolf Course Maintenance

  GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ OCTOBER 2011   Dear Member / Property Owner, Following on from the ‘The Golf Course Superintendent’s News Letter’ sent to you in August which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course…read more

Golf NewsClub Captains’ News

After the long hot summer I look forward to welcoming all of you winter birds back to Desert Springs. Herewith our busy golf October calendar 2011: The Constitution Cup, Saturday 8th October. The Desert Classic, Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th October, with Menu of the Day lunch included. Winter knock-out competition between 20th October 2011…read more

Golf NewsGolf Course Maintenance

GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ SEPTEMBER 2011   Dear Member / Property Owner, Following on from the ‘The Golf Course Superintendent’s News Letter’ sent to you in July which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course in…read more

Golf NewsGolf Course Maintenance

GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ AUGUST 2011   Dear Member / Property Owner, Following on from the ‘The Golf Course Superintendents News Letter’ sent to you in June which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course in…read more

Golf NewsGolf Course Maintenance

GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ JULY 2011   Dear Member / Property Owner, Following on from the ‘The Golf Course Superintendents News Letter’ sent to you in May which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course in…read more

Golf NewsGolf Course Maintenance

GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ JUNE 2011   Dear Member / Property Owner, Following on from the ‘The Golf Course Superintendents News Letter’ sent to you in April which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course in…read more

Golf NewsGolf Tournament Sponsor

Desert Springs Golf Club has recently signed a Sponsorship Agreement with Spanish Travel Agency ‘Vacaciones y Bienestar’. The agreement provides added value to the following golf tournaments selected from the Clubs official 2011 Tournament Calendar as listed below: Interclub Tournament – June – Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th The Professional’s Challenge Cup – July –…read more

Golf NewsClub Captains’ News

Desert Springs has recently held a busy golfing week during Easter, striving to meet everyone’s expectations and to provide golfers with both fun and serious competitions on the Indiana Course. Club Captain Wikkie de Graaf commented: “Firstly the Honors Dinner, receiving my Captain’s Jacket was a very proud occasion for me and I promise I…read more

Golf NewsGolf Course Maintenance

GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ MAY 2011   Dear Member / Property Owner, Following on from the ‘The Golf Course Superintendents News Letter’ sent to you in March which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course in…read more

Golf NewsClub Captain

It is a pleasure for me to be your Captain this year at Desert Springs and to represent you during the period 1st April 2011 to 31st March 2012 and welcome all our Members and Owners to enjoy their golf and social events. Firstly I would like to introduce you our committee for this year:…read more