Captain’s Day

To all members and Property Owners,

On my behalf, and that of my committee, I would like to thank everyone who participated in the Captain’s Day  event. The weather was perfect for golf, the dinner was excellent and thanks to Kristina the music completed the evening.  Once again Ireland seemed to challenge the rest of the World at singing after dinner, but I can’t remember who won!

As you know, we also raised funds for the Club charity, the Asociación de Minusvalidos de Cuevas del Almanzora, and my special thanks go to those kind persons who donated items for the raffle, as well as to everyone who contributed financially on the night and by way of pledges from those of you who could not be present. We raised over 1.300 Euros on the night and this should increase as the pledges from those who were absent come in.

I would like you to know that when we had the Ryder Cup match in October against Redbourn Golf Club, Hertfordshire, they most generously donated 500 Euro to our Charity.  So, together with the above, and with funds raised at the Captain’s Drive-In, we have raised in excess of 2.500 Euro.

Finally, I would like to thank my committee and Desert Springs Staff for all their advice and assistance.

In conclusion, may I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and all you wish for yourselves in the New Year.

Pat Craig

For further information contact: Golf Reception
Tel: +34 637 861 591