Captain’s Charity Day
Dear Members & Owners,
I hope you are all well.
Thank you all so much for supporting the Captain’s Charity Day. We have 26 teams playing during the day and 130 people attending the dinner. That is just amazing. Thank you.
Captain’s Charity Day – Saturday 7th October 2023
The itinerary for the day is as follows;
08.30hrs. onwards – Meet at El Torrente’s Tinaja Terrace for drinks and a BBQ breakfast
10.00hrs. – Shotgun start
18.30hrs. – Meet at El Torrente
19.00hrs. – Gala Dinner
20.30hrs. – Prize presentation, raffle, auction
21.30hrs. (approx.) – Music by The Springers
Followed by music by DJ Gail. (Requests welcome)
The golf will be a Texas Scramble, in teams of 4. There will be team prizes and Nearest the Pin prizes. 3 drives to count for each person in the team. Mulligans will be available for purchase at the BBQ breakfast. Cards will be handed out at breakfast. Gail will also be taking orders for the 2024 Desert Springs calendar.
Because we have 26 teams playing, there will be doubling up on some of the tees. If you are the first group, please could you tee off before the claxon and then wait by your chosen ball for the claxon to sound. That way, we can get the field spread out onto the course.
Food and drink will be available at the Hacienda. My thanks to Karen and Hetty for agreeing to run this for me again. Any offers to provide food and drink are most welcome and if you could drop it at the Caddy Master hut by 08.30hrs. please, that would be great. Thank you.
Drinks and a challenge with Jenny will await you at the 17th tee as well. Thank you Jen.
If anyone has any raffle prizes that they would like to donate, please could you let me know and I will either collect them from you, or you could bring them along in the evening, thank you.
There will be an auction in the evening and there are some great items on offer. There will be a list on each table at the dinner, so that you can prepare.
Finally, we have the ‘Charity Quiz Night’ in the Crocodile Club on Monday 9th October at 19.00hrs. It’s teams of 4 and the cost is €5 per person. For those who want to attend, please could you book a table either by letting me know or on the restaurant reservation number.
I look forward to seeing you all on Saturday, in your rainbow colour/s.