Captain’s Drive-In 2024
Dear Member, Owner
Firstly, I would like to thank everyone that was able to make it to the Club Championship Gala dinner and who welcomed me as Desert Springs Captain. I am so very proud to be Captain, and I am really looking forward to this coming year.
Congratulations to Nicki McKemmie-Watson for an extremely successful past year as Captain, and for raising the amazing amount of 19,746.17 Euros for Asprodalba. This year I intend to change the nominated Charity to A.M.C.A.L. This Charity is The Association of people with disabilities of Cuevas del Almanzora, A local Charity that gets no governmental support and relies and survives on donations, it is a local Charity that Desert Springs has supported in the past, and having visited and seen some of the activities, I feel they are in desperate need for support.
So now we move on to ‘Captain’s Drive-In’ on Thursday 11th April 2024.
Thank you to everyone who has already signed up for the Texas Scramble team golf event, and for the evening. The closing time for sign up is midday on Tuesday 9th April.
Thanks to everyone that has already chosen their own tee, and for the donation to Charity to play from that tee. If anyone has not selected a tee and would like to, please let me or Barry White know.
There will also be a fun challenge by the 17th tee, a wedge and wine challenge, there will be bottles of wine placed on the 17th fairway, and for 5 Euros you will get 3 balls and chip them towards the bottles of wine, if your ball rests against the bottle of wine, you take away the bottle. Neil Halliday will be on the 17th tee organising the challenge.
The itinerary for the day is as follows: –
08.30 hrs. – Onwards – Meet at the Cave bar for Breakfast. Cava, Fruit juice, and Bacon sandwiches. Purchase of ‘Drive-In Flags’ and Mulligans.
09.15 hrs. – Captains Drive in.
10.00 hrs. – Shotgun start.
18.30 hrs. – Meet at El Torrente.
19.00 hrs. – Gala dinner.
20.30 hrs. – Presentation of prizes and raffle.
20.45 hrs. – Music by the Springers.
The golf will be a Texas Scramble. There will be prizes for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd placed teams and ‘Nearest the Pin’ on all Par 3 holes. 3 drives to count for each person and please feel free to purchase mulligans before you go out (just in case).
The theme for the golf event is ‘The Augusta Masters’ and for the evening, it’s Green, Yellow, and White to continue in the Masters theme. But if you do not want to dress up, please do not worry. I am just pleased that you are supporting the event.
Thank you to everyone who has offered to provide food and drink for the Hacienda, I am really grateful to you and if you could take any items to the Caddy Master from 8.00am on the day, that would be great.
Thanks also to everyone who has offered to donate raffle prizes, Denise is happy to come around and collect raffle items from you, so if you could let me know, we could arrange that with you.
I am really excited that The Springers have agreed to play for us on Thursday evening and I am really grateful to them, I know that they have been practicing really hard and they will be fantastic.
This year we are also introducing a series of Captain and Professional Challenge matches. I will partner with one of our 3 professionals and play a matchplay challenge match, against any players who wish to take on the challenge. All I would ask for is a donation to my A.M.C.A.L. charity, please contact me if you wish to arrange a challenge match.
Finally, as The Masters is due to start on Captains Drive-In, I am going to run a Masters Fantasy League team competition. Half of the money collected will be given out in prizes and the other half will go to the charity. The cost is 10 Euros per team and you select 6 players. The winners will be determined by the amount of prize money won by your 6 players. If you have not yet entered a team and you would like to do so, please either see me or Dave Hadden for a form, or email me your 6 players and pay me when you next see me. All entries to be completed by Midday on Thursday 11th April, 2024.
Thank you again for all your support and I look forward to seeing you on Thursday, if not before.
Chris: My contact details are or telephone +34 643 100 896 if you need to contact me about anything.